Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Can a Woman Do About Back Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be quite a thrilling time in a woman's life. All the anticipation of picking a name, painting the baby's new room, celebrations with family and friends. It sure can be a time of eager waiting for you new bundle of joy. But sadly, for a surprisingly large number of women, the later months of pregnancy can be quite painful when they start to experience chronic back pain.
This is particularly unfortunate, since back pain not only causes problems with day-to-day chores, but it also affects a woman's quality of life in what is supposed to be a joyful and happy time in her life.
Of course one obvious reason for the back pain is the added weight from the growing baby. As your belly grows larger, it pulls you forward. In order to keep your balance, you need to lean your upper body back. This accentuate the arch in your back and puts a lot of stress on your lower back and hips.
This makes sense, but there is actually another cause of most cases of back pain. I'm talking about muscle imbalances here, which are in fact the leading in cause of back pain and sciatica not just in pregnant women, but in the general population as well.
The overall condition of your muscles and their tone is very important when it comes to maintaining a healthy back. Normally, your muscles should work equally to help you move your joint. When one muscle contracts, an opposing muscle should stretch. And the degree by which these two muscles contract and stretch should be equal. If they aren't then there are muscle imbalances.
Now, as a pregnant woman, every time you move, walk, bend over, twist, or even sleep your muscles must accommodate the weight of your growing belly. Any muscle imbalances you have are only exaggerated and made worse by your pregnancy.
These muscle imbalances pull your back out of alignment and put added stress on your bones and joints. Your spine is made up of 24 separate vertebrae. Normally, your back bones and your pelvis are in alignment to carry the weight of your body. But if even one of these bones becomes misaligned, then the back muscles have to take up the extra slack and carry the added weight. When this happens you develop muscular imbalances and you are much more prone to back pain and even injury.
Now, if this is what is happening to you, you now have to deal with your pregnancy in a severe amount of pain. It is quite sad that pregnancy, which is often one of the most cherished times in a woman's life, might be filled with intense lower back pain and sciatica.
The secret to clearing this up then is to deal with the muscle imbalances and correct your posture. If you'd like to learn more about how to improve back pain and the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, please check out my Lose the Back Pain review, where I discuss a popular and effective method for eliminating back pain.

Pregnancy Back Support

Studies show that 50% of women experience chronic back pain during pregnancy. Aside from this, they experience pain in the pelvic area. Pain disrupts their daily life. It prevents them from carrying out their daily activities. In some cases, severe pain results in incapacity. Women become bedridden in the entire pregnancy duration. Approximately 8% of women have experienced severe disability because of back pain. Therefore, manufacturers of garments have made clothing items to support the body during pregnancy.
The most common maternity garments are belts, girdles, and support bands. Maternity belts are elastic fabrics wrapped around the waist and hips. Maternity belts push belly the upward, easing the weight needed to be carried by the back. There are three types of maternity belts. These are standard pregnancy belt, prenatal cradles, and abdominal support pregnancy belt. Standard pregnancy belt provides moderate support on the abdominal and back area. They are the simplest kind of belly support belt for pregnant women.
Prenatal cradles provide the maximum support on the abdomen and back. A prenatal cradle has a crisscross design on the chest, extending towards the shoulders and back. Side expanders provide a firm support on the waist and back. The support points lift the weight from the pelvic cradle, relieving the back from heavy weight.
Moreover, abdominal support belt functions like prenatal cradles. It provides maximum support on the abdomen and back. It has an abdominal strap that wraps the upper abdomen. This envelops the entire abdominal area, decreasing belly movement during exercise. They are recommended for active pregnant women who love to exercise. Straps of pregnancy belly support belts are fastened by Velcro adhesives.
Pregnant women have distinct needs. The degree of pregnancy back support depends on the heaviness of the abdominal area. Likewise, this depends on one's pregnancy duration. Women need maximum support on the third trimester of pregnancy. The womb is expanding enormously, causing maximum protrusion of the upper and lower abdomen.
Belts for pregnancy belly support lessen back pain during pregnancy. There are support belts that resemble a camisole. This type of abdominal inner wear is a combination of maternity bra, maternity belt, and support band. Now, heavy belly mass is not a problem for pregnant women. Maternity undergarments provide adequate support for a woman's body.

Pregnancy and Back Pain

Pregnancy is a time of tremendous changes in term of musculoskeletal, physical and emotional condition. It imposes a tremendous stress on the body and yet is a condition of great satisfaction and happiness. During this period, the incidence of back pain is quiet common.
The causes of the increased incidence of Low Back Ache are:
Changes in musculoskeletal system

  • Stretching of abdominal muscles: Due to the growing fetus as a result of which the muscles are quiet stretched as a result of which the muscle is unable to generate strong contractions and thus decreases the efficiency of contraction.

Hormonal Changes: Due to the increased level of progesterone and relaxin, the tensile strength of ligaments decreases. This also has an effect on the ligaments of low back and pelvis. The joints become hyper mobile due to ligament laxity. This may predispose the patient to joint and ligamentous injury, especially in the weight bearing joints of the back and pelvis.
Changes in posture and balance
It shifted upward and forward because of the enlargement of the uterus and breasts. As a result of the postural compensation occurs. One of the compensation is the increased lumbar lordosis. This can further become habitual, if proper guidance is not provided. This increased lumbar lordosis puts lots of stress on the anterior longitudinal ligament which may lead to pain.
Moreover, there is approximation of facet joints which may become weight bearing thus leads to synovial irritation and inflammation.
With change In Centre of Gravity and increased weight there are compensations to maintain it. The woman starts walking with wide Base of support and increased external rotation at hip. Some activities such as walking, stooping, stair climbing, lifting and reaching. If these activities are repeated then it can be a potential source of low back ache.
This is basically due to the altered posture and the additional biomechanical stresses that are discussed above.
Worsen with muscle fatigue after static posture or as the day progresses. These symptoms are usually relieved by change in posture and rest. Pregnant females that are usually fit of have lesser chances to develop this type of backache.
This is due to the ligamentous laxity that leads to increased stresses on the SI joint. This leads to SI joint pain and sometimes inflammation of the joint. This is more common in females as compared to LBA, even if the female is fit.
Localized to the post aspect of the upper buttock ad is described as stabbing pain deep into the buttocks distal and lateral to lumboscral joint. Pain may radiate up to the knee joint. It is aggravated by prolonged sitting, standing or walking; pain when climbing stairs, turning in bel etc. This kind of pain in not relieved by rest. This type of pain can develop even in females with active lifestyle.

Back Pain During Early Pregnancy

While it is well-known that back pain is a natural part of late pregnancy, many women do not know if early pregnancy back pain is normal. If the pain is not severe, it is likely the result of changes that begin to take place in the body very soon after conception.
Muscle spasms are at the root of most cases of back pain during early pregnancy. They are caused in a couple of ways. First, the hormone relaxin begins to be released into the body to loosen ligaments around the pelvis. Your body does this to make room for the growing womb. As the pelvic connections loosen, instability and pain develop that affect your lower back. Your muscles will begin to stretch as the position of the pelvis changes; when muscles become overstretched, they run out of energy, since muscles depend on a relaxation/contraction cycle to pump nutrients in and out. Just as you may begin to shake if you haven't eaten in a long time, muscles begin to twitch and spasm when they run out of energy. The result is a forced, painful contraction of the muscle.
Another potential cause of first trimester back pain is the relaxing of abdominal muscles. This also occurs to make room for the growing womb. For some this does not occur right away; however, if you had weak abdominal muscles before pregnancy, it will occur sooner. This means that the lower back muscles will have to support the upper body's weight without assistance from the stomach. The muscles are not allowed to relax long enough to rid expended nutrients and take in a fresh supply. As described above, this leads to spasm.
Though pregnancy and back pain often go together, you can still take steps to reduce the amount of pain you experience. Having a healthy balance of rest and activity is important for pregnant women; you must keep your muscles and ligaments supple while avoiding strain. Going for regular walks is an effective way to manage pelvic and back pain for many women in early pregnancy.
After activity, lying on your side with a pillow between your knees will allow your muscles to recover.
Another great exercise for back pain during pregnancy is the pelvic rock. See the video at to view proper execution of this exercise. The pelvic rock stretches the lower back and strengthens the pelvic floor.
As always, posture plays an important part in the amount of pain you feel. If you allow your body to slouch forward as the abdominal muscles weaken, you will increase the strain on your lower back. It is important to train your body to maintain proper posture early on, since your center of gravity will change later in pregnancy and the task will be doubly difficult. Make sure your muscles and ligaments are able to support your spine from the beginning.
If back pain is severe during your first trimester or at any other time during your pregnancy, you should see your doctor immediately, as severe pain can be the sign of a problem in your pregnancy. Also, pay attention to any other abnormalities that may coincide with the pain.
Back pain management during your first trimester involves light exercise, proper posture and rest. Help yourself enjoy this exciting time by reducing pain.

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Lower back pain is almost a 'normal' problem in the initial stage of pregnancy. It is, in fact, a reason to smile because it is the first sign that you are pregnant. But it becomes a matter of concern if it persists as the pregnancy advances. The pain becomes very annoying and frustrating especially when the doctors continue to declare it a normal feature of pregnancy.
The pain does not remain limited to the lower back, but you feel its ramifications in the upper back, shoulders and ribs and breasts. Some women have sciatic pains that travel down to their legs, while others have pelvic pain, which affects the pubic joint.
The most obvious cause for back pain is the gradual increase in weight during pregnancy, which exerts pressure on the lumber spine. Most women tend to push their pelvis forward to adjust to the pressure that causes greater strain on the back. Continued sitting or standing in one posture may cause pain in the back.
History of lower back pain
Some women may have had difficult delivery in the previous pregnancy, which may have caused tiny fractures. They tend to flare up again. They may also have a history of back, neck and lumber spine problems and slipped disc, etc. These problems aggravate with pregnancy.
You are already carrying the weight of your child. Avoid carrying more weight. Do not carry heavy shopping. Take someone along to help you. Do not carry your baby, if you already have one, on your hip. It will exert more pressure on your back.
Avoid doing the domestic chores that make you bend too much.
Wear comfortable shoes with broad heals and straps to help you walk without slipping.
Wear a maternity bra with broad straps and adequate cups to prevent any strain on your shoulders.
If you are a working woman, sit on an ergonomic or orthopedic chair that provides lumber support. Do not sit cross-legs. Adjust your computer screen and mouse so as to work without strain.
Simple exercises like walking and stretching gently often relieve stiffness and pain. But never force yourself to do anything beyond endurance.
In most cases, rest relieves the normal lower back pain.
You can do it yourself or ask someone else to do it for you. But avoid a deep and hard massage as it may affect the acupuncture points if you have a history of sciatic pain.

Proven Back Pain Treatment Will Help With Back Pain Relief

Back pain can be debilitating. The type and location of your pain will help determine what treatment options are safe and effective. Most doctors will recommend staying active even after experiencing mild to moderate your pain. Stretching and exercise can help relieve the tightness and strengthen the support muscles. Also, rest and medication will help numb the pain and give the area time to heal.
Most painful back conditions are a result of muscle strain or a herniated disc. These pains, whether lower or upper back, carry different treatment plans. The lower back is the support system for the entire upper body. It directly connects to the waist, therefore twisting or bending may become increasingly difficult with lower back problems. Mild to moderate forms of this condition can be treated with heat and cold treatments, physical therapy, medication, and rest. More serious lower back problems can be the result of birth defects or bone and joint conditions, and need more serious treatments. The above treatment options will likely temporarily soothe the pain, but in the long term, surgery may be necessary.
Upper back pain can be just as excruciating as lower back pain and needs to be treated. If left untreated, the condition will worsen and possibly require more serious treatments. As with the lower back, mild to moderate upper pain can usually be cured with therapy, rest, and medication. More serious upper back conditions may require steroid injections or muscle relaxants. Acupuncture and chiropractic work have shown to provide relief, and possibly a cure, from upper back conditions. Chiropractors manipulate the spine and may be able to realign it. If your pain is a result of a spine out of alignment, then a chiropractor may be able to ease the pain through a series of adjusting treatments. Surgery for the upper back condition is only necessary in 10% of patients.
Back pain can be caused by other factors, such as pregnancy, kidney or ovary problems, or tumors. Pregnant women gain a significant amount of weight in the stomach area. This puts a strain on the upper back as the stomach pulls the body forward. Kidney problems may result in blood escaping from the blood stream and causing irritation and pain. Ovary problems, such as cysts or endometriosis, can put extra pressure on the lower back or allow blood and puss in to the system. This can cause irritation and pain. Tumors in the spinal area can result in severe pain or numbness, even if the tumor is not cancerous. Pain caused by pregnancy is common and treated with rest, heat therapy and massage. Back pain is usually eliminated once the baby is born. Kidney and ovary issues, and tumors, require the care of a doctor.
Back pain, whether upper or lower and whatever the cause can range from mild to severe. If standard home care techniques are unsuccessful, it is time to contact a doctor for evaluation. Treatment will depend on the location and seriousness of the condition causing the pain, but most back pain issues can be resolved.

With Pregnancy Comes Back Pain

With pregnancy comes a greater strain on your bodies muscles, ligaments, and joints. The cause of this being due to a change in posture as the body grows. The Hormonal Softening effects are the reason for the loosening of ligaments.
Nearly half of all pregnant women report serious back or posterior pelvic pain during pregnancy. Keeping a good posture is very important.
Try to balance your weight equally on both feet, with your back and legs straight.
It is vital that your lower back is properly supported, the use of a cushion or rolled up towel can help. On long journeys, remember to stop at intervals and stretch your legs.
Ensure your mattress is firm enough to support your body, if not, a sheet of wood underneath the mattress will help. The use of a single pillow is best, otherwise your neck may be at an angle all night putting excess strain on your spine.
It is known that women that endured back pain with their first pregnancy, often find it lasts longer in their following ones.
Keeping your physical fitness level high, and your muscles balanced can make a great difference. The Healthy Back Institute provide a system called Lose The Back Pain which specifically addresses the muscle imbalance issue.
Advice should always be sought on the safe levels of exercise during pregnancy. Regular gentle exercise is most often recommended like walking and swimming.
The Freedom Back is a highly recommended back support pillow designed to fit the shape of your whole back from your upper back all the way down to your hips. This is the easiest way to ease back-pain during pregnancy while sitting with perfect posture (even when you're not thinking about it).
Once the baby is born, most women are relieved straight away from the back pain that came with the pregnancy. In the minority of cases it continues for several month's although is not as severe. Women who suffered from back pain before pregnancy may find that every day life with a baby adds to the pain they felt previously because of lifting heavy items like car seats for example.

Bowen Technique For Back Pain During Pregnancy

The Bowen Technique is an extremely gentle and effective method of treating back pain during pregnancy. Changes in posture experienced during pregnancy put added strain on the muscles supporting the spine. Tension in these muscles leads to stiffness and pain in the back, and can also cause compression of the nerves exiting the spine. This will affect your nervous system.
The moves below work on these muscles and relax them very effectively, relieving stiffness and pain in the back. By effectively relaxing these muscles you allow the nerves to be free of compression and allow the nervous system to act more effectively. The results are reduced pain and stiffness, increased blood flow and the re-balancing of your nervous system
Whether your back pain is localized to your lower back or upper back, it is important to treat both areas.
1. Position the patient sitting down backwards, leaning against the back of the chair (with a pillow supporting the arms, if necessary). Ensure she is comfortable.
2. Get the patient to sit up straight. Observe the curve of her lower back (lumbar region). This is where the first move should be made.
3. Now ask your patient to lean forward comfortably.
4. Stand on the left side.
5. Place your hands with your thumbs out perpendicularly. Try to form a square.
6. Place your hands one inch away from the spine on the left. You should be right on top of the erector spinae muscle.
7. Apply slight pressure to draw the skin away from the spine. Hold this position for about 5 seconds
8. As the patient breathes out, roll your thumbs forward toward the spine. This move should be done very gently as the muscles may be very tense.
9. Now using both index fingers, place them one inch away from the spine on the right hand side.
10. Applying slight pressure push the skin away from the muscle, and away from the spine.
11. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
12. As the patient breathes out, very gently roll your fingers over the muscle towards the spine.
13. You have now completed the moves on the lower back.
14. Allow 2 minutes of rest before carrying on.
15. Ensure the patient is comfortable and warm (offer a blanket if needed).
16. Now move to the upper back.
17. Find the bottom of the shoulder blades.
18. Draw an imaginary line across the spine from one shoulder blade to the other.
19. Repeat the moves you performed (on the lower back) on the upper back.
30. You have now completed both moves for the upper and lower back.
31. Allow the patient to rest in this position for a few minutes.
32. Offer her a glass of water and assist her in standing up.
In a non-pregnant person, this treatment would effectively remove the tension in the muscles and by adopting the correct posture, the injury will be healed. However, a pregnant woman will not be able to correct her posture. This leads to re-injury. Once the tension is released, she will feel immediate relief but this will unfortunately be short lived as the source of the tension (weigh bearing) is still present. Because of this, she should be treated whenever necessary (when in pain), allowing at least a day in between each treatment.
If re-injury does not occur (i.e. the patient is not in pain), this treatment can be used to maintain a healthy, tension free spine with weekly treatments.
This technique is not limited to treating back pain.If you suffer from back aches you will almost certainly have an imbalanced nervous system caused by the compression of the nerves exiting your spinal cord.Some signs of an unbalanced nervous system are headaches, anxiety, depression and neck pain.By releasing the muscles from their tense state, you directly treat the aches and pains in your back and indirectly treat everything controlled by your nervous system. This is more or less your entire body.
Stop suffering in silence!

Upper Back Pain - Identification And Some Useful Solutions

Upper Back Pain is as painful or troublesome as the pain in the lower back or the neck. An injury or a strain is the most common reason for the pain in the upper portion of our backs. Although back pain in upper portion is not a common phenomenon, it can cause significant discomfort and needs to be treated carefully. The identification of the exact cause is necessary to treat the pain in the upper back.
Muscular irritation and joint malfunction have been found to be the most common causes of upper back pain. An injury or a poor posture can also result in back pain. In recent years, it has been found that people sitting in one posture for example working in front of the computer are more prone to suffer from this type of back pain.
Lack of activity or poor strength of our muscles is a very common cause of upper back pain and can be treated through chiropractic cure, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy and various types of stretching exercises. Again an injury or strain in the joints between the ribs and the upper back can result in severe pain. Such a situation can be rectified by exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and loosening the back. A ruptured disk or a degenerative disk disease can also result in back pain in upper part.
An appropriate posture and regular strengthening exercises are a must for avoiding the pain in the upper back. A poor posture can lead to weak muscles and a strain in our joints and ligaments and thus cause upper back pain. Osteoporosis, a disease which makes ones bones fragile and weak, a rupture in the spinal disk or any other form of injury can also result in back pain. People suffering from heart disease can also experience pain in the upper back. Such people need to consult a specialist so as to avoid any complexities.
It is important to get proper medical treatment if the cause of your upper back pain is Osteoporosis, a ruptured disk or any other injury. However, if the pain is caused by a poor posture or a strain, we can take some self remedial action such as massaging the area of pain. Pain in the Trapezius or the triangle shaped muscles of the upper back and the shoulder blades can be rectified through self massage or massage by somebody else. Also try to concentrate on improving your posture and sit straight instead of slouching.
A poor posture eliminates the natural, weight-supporting S curve in our backs and weakens them. In contrast a right posture- chest out, stomach in, and buttocks tucked under- helps one to restore the S curve in our back. Proper exercises can enable one to rectify his/her posture. Proper massage by a physical therapist, use of acupuncture techniques and physical therapy also go a long way in relieving upper back pain.

Rib Pain During Pregnancy

Rib pain during pregnancy can be a persistent problem, especially during the third trimester. Your rib cage may feel mildly sore or extremely tender and bruised. You may have discomfort on either side, or both sides, though it is commonly worse on the right side of the ribs. Pain occurs in and under the ribs as your uterus grows. Later in pregnancy, your abdomen becomes stretched, and your uterus stretches upward as well as outward. Your pelvis and abdomen are becoming full, and your baby is beginning to press up under your ribs and chest. This upward pressure from your baby may also make you feel short of breath. This pressure on your ribs and diaphragm may also result in shoulder pain, because there are nerves in the diaphragm which can refer pain into the shoulders.
This pain can be very sharp! It may also result in indigestion or acid reflux as your baby puts the squeeze on your stomach. Additionally, as your breast become larger, they also place pressure on your ribs. During pregnancy, your breasts may increase by one full cup size or more. The extra weight pulls your shoulders forward and down, and places strain on the upper back, neck, and often results in pain around the rib cage. As your body prepares for the delivery of your baby, your hormones are hard at work loosening your muscles and ligaments. This loosening can allow your ribs to shift and move in ways that were not natural before, causing discomfort. Your ribcage is not only loosening, but expanding as well, not only to make room for your baby, but also to help increase your breathing and lung capacity. Even though you may be feeling short of breath, your body is taking in about forty percent more air than it did before you became pregnant.
Rib pain during pregnancy can cause the greatest discomfort when you are in a sitting position. Practicing good posture is especially important. Try to make sure that you sit up straight with your shoulders back. Slouching will compress your abdomen and result in more pain. Try to wear loose clothing so that you do not add any extra pressure to your belly. Try getting a new bra. It is especially important to have a supportive bra that is not too tight. Under wire bras may put too much extra pressure on your ribs. Now may be a good time to invest in a good nursing bra. They usually offer nice support without being too tight and will be useful once your baby is born. Holding your arms up over your head can take some pressure off and provide temporary relief from rib pain by lifting the ribs away from the uterus. Practicing doorway chest stretches can also be helpful because they, too, will help rotate the shoulders up and back, which can also help lift the ribs away from the uterus.
Stretching and prenatal yoga are great for keeping your body long and loose. The less compressed you are, the less your rib cage will hurt. Breathing and relaxation exercises may also be effective. There are a variety of hands on techniques that can help to gently stretch and lift your ribs away from the uterus. Applying these techniques to your breasts, chest and abdomen, can really relieve a lot of pain and pressure from your body, though you will need a friend or partner to help you. Scheduling a visit to your massage therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist, may also help provide relief from rib pain during pregnancy. If you are having rib and flank pain that goes through to your back, and or burning or pain with urination, you should contact your health care provider. This could be an indication of a urinary tract infection.

Treatment For Upper and Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back pain is something that the vast majority of pregnant women will have to deal with. Changes occurring in the body can cause some real problems, and sometimes it's hard to know the best way to deal with them. Pregnant women also have the disadvantage that they are unable to take a lot of analgesics or anti-inflammatories that they normally might when they're not pregnant. As a result, they need to look at some natural and less conventional options. Fortunately, many of these options are good ones, and the earlier you start to practice them, the sooner you will be free of back pain.
Treatment for lower back pain during pregnancy hinges on two important factors. The first is posture. When you become pregnant, your body manufactures a hormone called relaxin, which softens a lot of your tendons and ligaments, in preparation for childbirth. This creates instability in the whole back and pelvic area, making it easy to let posture slip. The other thing that happens is that your belly grows larger, and starts to pull your center of gravity forward. Most women arch their backs as a reaction, but this is the wrong thing to do. Arching will just cause more pain. Practice walking with your shoulders back, and make sure to stand as little as possible.
The other great treatment for lower back trouble during pregnancy involves the strengthening of core muscle groups. These are the muscles that support your lower back and abdomen. When weakened, these can cause pain because other parts of the back will try to compensate. Spend a little time every day on strength and flexibility-building exercises.
Treatment for upper back trouble falls much along the same lines. You will find that improving your posture is beneficial to upper back pain as well. Much of the pain in your upper back is derived from expansion of the uterus against the ribs, and upward pressure against the diaphragm. This can lead to bruised ribs and pinched nerves, which can be very painful.
Besides improving posture, treatment for upper back pain is focused on stretches that help to lift the ribs up and away from your torso, creating at least some temporary relief from the pressure.
Treatment for lower back pain during pregnancy and treatment for upper back pain can often be worked on together. If you can, go see a chiropractor, who will be able to make adjustments that will make your whole back feel aligned, relaxed, and much less painful. You might also consider seeing an acupuncturist, since they tend to have good success with treating pain of all kinds.
If you suffer from one or both kinds of pain, don't get too discouraged, since you know the situation is temporary. Keep in mind though, that treatment for lower back discomfort during pregnancy and treatment for upper back pain is usually pretty simple. Remember to use good posture, and spend 10 or 15 minutes daily on exercise that will stretch your muscles and build strength in the right places.

Ease Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

While lower back pain is by far the most common for pregnant women, other areas of the back may experience it as well. Upper back pain during pregnancy normally occurs during the third trimester, at which point the body has undergone the most extreme changes it can in preparation for childbirth. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ease upper back pain, and make the last weeks of your pregnancy as easy and pleasant as possible. After all, you want to be able to focus all of your energy on the baby that is nearly here, and don't want to be distracted with unnecessary pain.
Upper back pain during pregnancy occurs late in the pregnancy because as the uterus expands to its maximum size, it places pressure on your ribs, especially on the right side. Your uterus will stretch up as well as outward, so you may find it harder to breathe as pressure is put on your diaphragm. You may find you have pain in your shoulders, because pressure is being put on nerves in the diaphragm which go up into the shoulders. These pains can be quite sharp, and may sometimes be accompanied by heartburn because of pressure being put on the stomach.
Many women's breasts also enlarge substantially during pregnancy, and the extra weight can pull your shoulders down, creating strain on your neck, the top of your back and ribs. In addition, your body will be undergoing some major hormonal changes as the body prepares for delivery, so muscles and ligaments are relaxed and loosened. Your ribcage will expand as part of this process, so your lungs can take in extra air. Even though you may sometimes find it hard to breathe, you are actually taking in about 40 percent more oxygen than you did before your pregnancy. This is all meant to prepare you for the rigors of childbirth.
One thing you can do to ease upper level back pain is to buy a more supportive bra. Look for a good nursing bra without underwires. The better your breasts are supported, the less likely they are to cause strain on your neck and upper back. Try to wear comfortable loose clothing so you can breathe and move freely.
When experiencing back pain during pregnancy, you can alleviate some of it by practicing some stretches. Start by holding your arms over your head to take pressure up and away from your ribs. Do chest stretches in the doorway. These are especially good for your shoulders by rotating them up and back, and lifting the ribs away from the uterus.
You can also ease upper back pain by practicing prenatal yoga, and generally focusing on stretches that pull your ribs away from the uterus. A visit to a massage therapist or chiropractor might also be beneficial.
Upper back pain during pregnancy is a reality for many women, but if you practice good posture and the correct stretches, you should feel much better. If you ease upper back pain, your last weeks of pregnancy should go very smoothly.

6 Quick Acupressure Points to Relieve Labor Pain - Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Pregnancy Acupressure has been in use for centuries. It allows you to begin labor at home, safely and naturally, easing yourself into the contractions and dilation that will result in the birth of your baby. But the time you get to the hospital, your labor will already be half over. This leads to shorter delivery times, and an much easier birthing process. Maternity acupressure techniques also help increase blood flow, eliminate pain, and reduce stress on the mom-to-be, while at the same time aiding in contractions, dilation, and providing extra oxygen to the baby. All of these benefits to reflexology for pregnancy have made it increasingly popular in delivery rooms across the world.
Massage during labor includes using the body's various pressure points to stimulate other parts of the body. Learning how to do maternity acupressure is easy, and requires no prior experience. It consists of gentle pressure applied with fingertips, the ball of the thumb, and sometimes the palm or elbow. These pregnancy massage therapy techniques are both safe and natural, and can be used even after childbirth for continued stress and pain-relief benefits. However, these points should not be used during the developing stages of pregnancy - on a pregnant woman this type of acupressure to induce labor should be reserved for helping to start contractions and for aiding in childbirth only.
* Hand (to aid with contractions) - Place your own thumb on the meaty web between your partner's forefinger and thumb. Close your middle two or three fingers upward to rest in her palm, and begin gently squeezing, concentrating on applying downward pressure with the ball of your thumb. This pressure point is important in pregnancy reflexology in that it can be used to aid in strengthening contractions. By timing your pressure with each contraction you can help the baby descend, pushing along with mom to move the child through the birth canal.
* Palm (to release endorphins for pain) - Look at your partner's hand. In the center of the topmost crease on the palm, there's an acupressure point that can be used to force the body to release it's natural painkillers: endorphins. Gentle pressure to this region will produce anesthetizing feelings in the brain, but overly pressing it can cause pain so be careful how much pressure you use. If you have trouble finding this spot, tell your partner to close her fingers until the tips of each finger are touching the palm, almost like a half-fist. The place right below where her fingers are touching is where you want to apply pressure.
* Foot (to release tension and relax the body) - Beneath the ball of the foot is a depression just as the arch of the foot begins. By placing your thumb here and wrapping your fingers around the top of the foot for counter pressure, you can begin pushing gently inward and upward, rolling your thumb toward the big toe. Reflexology and pregnancy go hand in hand, and this massage will have the effect of soothing and calming your partner. With the right pressure, and the right direction, you can use this technique well into childbirth to relax and keep your partner free from excess anxiety. It also makes a great technique to use months and years afterward, any time you or your partner both need to relieve stress.
* Hip (for pain, and to promote contractions) - Your partner will need to be on her side for this one. Find the top of the buttocks crease, then move in a perpendicular line toward her hipbone. When you've gone about two-thirds this distance, press gently inwardly and upward toward the spine. This acupressure pregnancy point should be immediately felt, and it should feel pretty good. Pressing and rolling this point will accomplish both pain relief and the inducing/strengthening of contractions. You can use this to both induce labor, and to aid in contractions once the onset of labor has occurred. After childbirth, you can use this point at any time to help break up trapped pelvic stress and relax the lower body.
* Lower back (to release endorphins for pain) - For this acupressure point, your partner will need to be pressing back against a firm object. Find the halfway point between the spine and the dimples of your partner's gluteus. Pressing downward with a slight twisting motion, do some probing until you find the spot where your partner feels a very pleasant sensation of relief. This spot works wonders for pregnancy pain, and it can also dissipate pent-up stress in the lower back and gluteus muscles.
* Shoulder (to stimulate contractions) -Find the bump at the base of your partner's neck - this is her C7 vertebrae. Now trace a line to the other bump at the end of her shoulder. Right in between these two areas is another pressure point on the shoulder muscle itself, and applying pressure to this one can help greatly with uterine contractions (and it can later be used to stimulate milk production as well). Stimulate this point during initial stages of labor to help begin and promote these contractions.
These are the six most popular techniques of acupressure during labor, but note that most of them can be very useful beyond childbirth. Pregnancy massage therapy methodology has been proven to have radical benefits in the delivery room and beyond. Massage during labor itself can dramatically decrease the chances of unwanted medical intervention or C-section during the birthing process. Learn these techniques for a safer, faster delivery... and then use them on each other in the years to come to relieve stress, pain, and pent-up tension in the body.